Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Spreading Happiness Event

How much happiness can you spread in 3 hours?

In time of crisis, it is hard to feel happy and even harder to make other people happy. This event – that will take place in Plaza del Sol, in a Saturday afternoon – will gather people who want to have fun and make someone happy. The participants are going to have 3 hours make actions that promote happiness and record them. We are going to publish the participant´s videos and pictures in the event´s Facebook page and Blog. The content that have the most “likes” and/ or views is the winner. The revenue of the event will come from adds in the event´s pages and sponsorship during the event.  
For this business, we are assuming first, that the people are willing to participate in this kind of event. That we are going to have a good number of participants that are going to be in Plaza del Sol on a Saturday afternoon. Besides of that, we are assuming that the media will have interest in divulgating the event and companies will be willing to pay for advertisement connected to the event.
Although it is hard to know if these assumptions are true, we can make some tests in order to previously verify it. We could ask people if they would participate – friends, people that we have just met family. In the last week, Spain could see, for example, a nice flashmob performance called Here comes the sun in an unemployment office. The event was shared by thousands of people. So, we already have an example for this assumption.
The only way to know if the media will have interest in divulgation the event would be calling some press offices to ask them to give their opinion about the event, before planning it. We also have some friends in the corporate communication world who we could ask about it. With the companies which are potential event´s sponsors or advertisers in the Facebook page and blog, we would do the same: call some “cool brands” – whose ideas and values matche with the idea of the event - see if they are interested in the business.
After talking to each person or company, we could give grades from 0 to 10 for their opinion: if they were very positive the grade would be 10 and if they were very negative about the event, we would give 0. After this analysis, we could decide assuming the risk if more than 50% has received the grade 5 or more and more than 15% has received the grade 7 or more. This research would also be useful in order to have some opinions and new ideas about the event.  

This was an assignment for the Applied Entrepreneurship course

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